Archive: August 2013 - Washington Winnona Images

How do I Backup my Website?

  • August 30, 2013
How do I Backup my Website?

We often get asked the same question and unfortunately it's extremely hard for us to answer this. Each hosting company has a different way you backup your websites. So we've put together a collection of common places we've seen buyers hosting at and have compiled a list of links that will take you to their FAQ and Knowledgebase pages that will further explain how to complete a full website backup. If you do not find your hosting company listed here, or still uncertain how to back your website up, we would encourage you to contact your hosting company for instructions on how to perform your own website...

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Why Register for Buyer Support?

  • August 30, 2013
Why Register for Buyer Support?

We love helping our buyers succeed in their use of KingSize WordPress. We love it even more when we see buyers having success with their use! However, sometimes as a buyer, we have questions about various things. Maybe you don't understand an option? Maybe you can't get something to work? Maybe, just maybe, you need advice on some "outside the box" usage? Whatever the reason may be, we pride ourselves in helping our buyers!

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How to Change the Navigation and Body

  • August 30, 2013
How to Change the Navigation and Body

On of our most asked about questions is: "How do I change the color of the navigation and content body?" and similar, "How do I change the shape and color of the menu and body?" We do cover this in our FAQs, but we're going to cover it here too.

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How to Change the Navigation and Body

  • August 30, 2013
How to Change the Navigation and Body

On of our most asked about questions is: "How do I change the color of the navigation and content body?" and similar, "How do I change the shape and color of the menu and body?" We do cover this in our FAQs, but we're going to cover it here too.

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Change Log for KingSize WordPress Version 4.1.2

  • August 30, 2013
Change Log for KingSize WordPress Version 4.1.2

We are pleased again to announce the release of our latest version, 4.1.2. This version has addressed some issues discovered in the early version 4.1.1 and it is our hope that this will be the last partial update prior to releasing the next featured update to include our Responsive design.

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Change Log for KingSize WordPress Version 4.1

  • August 30, 2013
Change Log for KingSize WordPress Version 4.1

It's long overdue but it's now available! You can download version 4.1 from Theme Forest by logging into your purchasing account and clicking "Downloads". Find the "KingSize WordPress Theme" and click the "Download" button and download the "Main Files".

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